About Spruce Routes
Spruce Routes is a lifestyle project produced by Paul Scriver and Bella Waterton. We will be travelling throughout Canada inspiring people to explore the outdoors comfortably and safely. Through our work as wilderness guides we have explored some of the most beautiful places in Canada from the Yukon to Newfoundland. We continue to feel strong connections to these places. Our plan is to share this connection and encourage people to discover the Canadian outdoors for themselves. We will introduce you to various activities to enjoy the outdoors, as well as some skills to keep you comfortable and safe. This project was born from a desire to explore the nature of being Canadian, to deepen the connection to our country and to help others. We strongly believe that every Canadian should be aware of the wonders just beyond their backyard. Whether it's help navigating the overwhelming options of camping gear, camp cooking, route inspiration, or just seeing fun photos, we hope that in some way we can give you that nudge to simply come outside and play!

Paul Scriver
Paul got his first canoe paddle as soon as he could hold it. With parents who met working at a summer camp and continued to work their entire careers in the outdoor adventure industry, it seemed inevitable that Paul would also take up that mantle. Attending camp and working as a whitewater canoe guide for Black Feather cemented his love for the outdoors. Paul continued to work for Black Feather during his summer breaks while studying Geological Sciences at Queen's University. While at school, Paul had the opportunity to go to Antarctica with Students on Ice to study Glaciology. After completing his degree, Paul began working with his father, Mark, as an independent sales rep for a number of paddle-sport manufacturers. Paul continued to guide during the slow times of the year, and was able to return to Antarctica as a sea kayak guide for One Ocean Expeditions (OOE). In 2015, Paul took a job as the Operations Coordinator with OOE. These experiences have allowed Paul to connect with amazing leaders, co-workers, clients, guests, and outdoor industry professionals from around the world!

Bella Waterton
Bella grew up on the beautiful Bruce Peninsula, where she explored every trail, cove and back road with her parents. Bella’s love for the outdoors continued as she began working for Black Feather, at the age of 16 as an apprentice guide. Learning to paddle whitewater, cook over a campfire and navigate new rivers throughout Canada kept Bella excited about guide life. Bella loves getting to know people and making them feel happy, safe and comfortable in the outdoors. After graduating from Carleton University with a degree in Legal Studies and Psychology, Bella began working for the Ottawa Carleton District School Board as an outdoor education instructor. She worked with K-12 urban and multicultural students with a mix of wilderness exposure. During school holidays, Bella guided in the polar regions, working as a sea kayak guide in Antarctica, the Canadian Arctic and Svalbard. Bella continued to diversify her experience in the outdoor travel and tourism industry at the Sea to Sky Gondola and in the sales department for One Ocean Expeditions, selling dream trips to the polar regions. Bella is looking forward to taking time to adventure and explore as many Canadian trails, coastlines and mountains as she can!

Naili Cho
Naili Cho joined Paul and Bella's adventures in 2013 as a puppy. He is a German Shepherd - Yellow Lab mix and has a hilarious mix of the classic character traits of each breed. He loves the water, running, eating objectionable things and listens when it’s convenient for him. Bella and Paul have been lucky to have lots of dog sitters for Naili when on less dog friendly adventures, and Naili enriches his dog-sitters' lives while Paul and Bella are away. Naili Cho is an incredible adventure buddy and companion. Hope you get to meet him and it’s safe to say he would LOVE to meet you!